it's about legacy

Meet my Grandma & Grandpa!

Their legacy lives on as a shining example of how to love well:

  • She was the only girl he ever asked out.
  • He was so nervous he almost stood her up - instead they were married months later.
  • They lived in the same home for 55 years where they raised four children.
  • They loved cruises and traveled the world together one cruise at a time.
  • A framed black and white photo of them on their wedding day sat on the mantel my entire life.
  • The last time I saw Grandma at home she picked up that framed wedding photo and pointed to Grandpa. "Isn't he handsome?!" she asked. And Grandpa blushed. 

By all accounts they led ordinary lives, but their love was 
And that                                                                         bore witness to it all.


framed wedding portrait

By all accounts they led ordinary lives, but their love was EXTRAORDINARY.

And that FRAMED WEDDING PORTRAIT bore witness to it all.

some of my favorites

time with family & being an auntie
Paris - always
a shared meal at a great restaurant
great conversation
wandering through an art museum
watercolor painting
exploring new places
getting lost in a good book
fancy donuts
cat & dog snuggles (equally!)
quiet time by the ocean

Another favorite of mine - connecting with you