If you are a wedding vendor, you’re serving clients in one of the most important phases of their lives. As a professional, you want thoughtful ways for cultivating client comfort. Let me explain what I mean by that!

What Does Cultivating Client Comfort Mean?
To explore this topic fully, we first need to talk about what client comfort does NOT mean. In a nutshell, it does not mean: getting walked all over, having no boundaries, being available 24/7, ETC.
Instead it means: making your client feel understood, connecting on a personal level, and taking time to learn about who they are!

3 Tips to Cultivating Client Comfort as A Wedding Professional:
- Be Clear: In the words of Brene Brown, “Clear is kind”. Begin setting expectations from the beginning of their process working with you. Proactively communicate and do so regularly.
- Have a Workflow: In that same vein, having a clear workflow is something you can do to make your clients feel secure and “held” throughout the process. Make sure you add relational touch points into your workflow because that will go a long way to cultivating client comfort!
- Be Intentional With Energy & Mood: Your attitude and energy matter when cultivating comfort for your couples. Manage your stress in private and bring your A-Game to every preparatory meeting, as well as on the big day itself.

There are so many ways to cultivate client comfort as a creative professional, but hopefully these ideas help you generate your own authentic process. The main takeaway is to be personal, reliable, consistent, and help your client as much as you can. Whether that is crafting a personal questionnaire where you get to know them (favorite beverage, are they a dog or cat person, etc etc), or providing educational content to your couples before they even ask – you have so much impact on how your client experiences their time with you. The more they love their process, the more likely they are to tell their friends and family, which in turn generates more leads.